Monday 18 May 2009

Caption: 1 year ago.

My latest masterpiece involves the line:

"Caption: 1 Year Ago".

This, apparantly, should stand alone in the script and if it wasnt obvious already, it means that on the screen you see the words "1 Year Ago" somewhere, somehow.

And this got me thinking, how much have I done in the past year?

1 year ago didn't even think I wanted to write films. I wanted to be a film director, I still do, not a screenwriter. But now the latter is not such a bad option - perhaps being a writer/director is for me.

1 year ago I hadn't made, or directed, any films. I've made a couple now, with the help of a professional cinematographer. But have I really gone the right way? I'm making my own films, not getting onto sets doing the shit jobs that the runners all have to do. All the time I was being told to do as much of my own stuff as possible, but then a film-production-graduate-turned-office-worker told me that I should be getting onto sets, not making my own stuff.

This past year has made me realise just how much I don't understand this industry.

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